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Our industry needs a trade show

GQA Qualifications has once again signed up to be a part of the FIT Show, in May 2020. While there has been much talk about it becoming an annual show, my overriding view is that an industry the scale that ours is must have its own showpiece and provide an opportunity for stakeholders to engage face to face.

I get the concerns expressed by many, and I understand the reticence of many of the larger exhibitors particularly to commit significant levels of funding so soon after the last time. But our industry is made up of over 15,000 companies and there is a need for them to have the opportunity to see new products and services, and network with their peers to discuss the challenges the industry faces, and to share ideas of how to address them.

We have supported the FIT Show from the outset and will continue to do so;

As the industry’s leading Awarding Body it is important we have a presence there to offer advice and support to those seeking learning and skills development and formal industry relevant qualifications, as a way of strengthening their businesses.

It is my hope that the industry comes together to a great enough extent to make the show a success and that visitors understand that there is great value to them in giving up a day of their time to go and talk to businesses and organisations that can help them expand and develop.

I hope to see you there,

Mick Clayton
CEO GQA Qualifications Limited

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