News & Events

Day 4 – Homeward Bound

Today’s journey takes us home, leaving the wonderful town of Peebles after a night of ‘celebration’, the presentation of awards and the swapping of stories from all the participants. It’s been a fantastic event and congratulations to all those who have been involved in buying the cars, repairing them and getting them ready to take part, and of course those who have driven for the past few days –dressed in very ‘interesting’ attire which has not gone un-noticed by the local residents of the places we have visited!

Last night’s gala dinner was full of awards and thank-you’s from the Real Rally organisers who also provided us with some after dinner fun including a coconut shy and a bucking bronco. I’m delighted to announce that our team won the award for the most money raised – £3200 for a great charitable cause.

Prior to last night’s dinner we took part in a specially arranged highland games where caber tossing, tug-of-war and wellie-wanging all became new things to add to my CV.

There have been some important messages behind the fun and adventure around skills gaps and the need for apprentices and I’ve learned a lot listening to how all the managers involved value the young people in their charge.

It’s still not too late to donate, as always we are all mindful that this is for a great cause, and for anybody who hasn’t already done so, please show your support by clicking here – supporting the development of skills gap solutions for young people into jobs.

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