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GQA family making a difference during lockdown

The Covid-19 outbreak has presented business and society with new and previously unforeseen challenges – furloughed staff in the millions, businesses and communities in lockdown, and isolation from family and friends alike.

It has also shown yet again that when the gauntlet is thrown down there are thousands of people who are ready and willing to pick it up, and we are very proud that many of those people are from the GQA family.

GQA Operations Manager Sean Hayes’s wife Jayne took it on herself to start making scrubs for NHS staff and has been producing amazing garments at an astonishing rate to help try and support those working so hard in the most challenging of circumstances.

Speaking about her efforts Sean said “Jayne’s commitment to this endeavour has been inspiring, not only the quantity, but the quality of what she has produced is outstanding and all of us at GQA are proud of what she has done. It’s great to see and I know that key workers in the NHS will benefit from her work”.

Meanwhile Award Systems and Communications Officer Emma Barnsley has taken a different approach taking up knitting to make baby clothes to support NHS workers families. “It is something I have only just started”, said Emma, “but I am delighted to be getting involved and making a contribution”.

Many other people and organisations associated with GQA are also getting involved, including specialist print centre Learn2Print who have created a dedicated production facility to make protective face shields to support key workers in this difficult time. Why not check out their story at:

Meanwhile our friends and colleagues at one of the fenestration industry’s leading suppliers has also used the skills of its workforce to come up with an innovative PPE safety visor.

A big thanks to them all and keep up the truly amazing work.

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