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New guidelines from GGF for safe working

The GGF, recognised by many as the Industry’s leading authority on Glass and Glazing at both local and national Government level, have just released their new ‘Safe Guide for Home Improvement Companies’, which offers comprehensive, accurate and up to date information for installers to help them work safely in people’s homes.

As we all try to come to terms with news ways of working on the return to work post Covid-19 guides like this are really useful.

Even for those not working in people’s homes, but who are out on other types of sites or making other kinds of visits the common-sense approach to working outlined in the guide is well worth reading. They key thing is that it gives everybody the latest information on how to stay safe, and by following sensible ways of working we can all do our bit to help restore confidence and beat the Coronavirus.

There is also a guide for homeowners, and for those of you who are planning to work in somebody’s house it is worth you sending them a copy of this guide in advance so that they can prepare for your visit.

GGF’s website also includes information on the Government guidance about opening showrooms,

As this is an everchanging picture, we strongly advise that you look out for updated guidance from GGF and also from

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