Simon Smith

External Quality Advisor/ Technical Officer
14th April 2020
Simon Smith’s Role at GQA

I was aware of GQA Qualifications before I joined them, having worked at two long established Approved Centres earlier in my career.

I knew what to expect and was not disappointed when I started. It is an extremely busy environment and my role includes reviewing new centre applications; ensuring that the centres comply with GQA policy and procedure, looking at how we can enhance the delivery methods of our qualifications, contributing to CPD events with new content and different ways to increase the amount of interaction with those attending, and finally to spend as much time with centre personnel ensuring they have the support and materials they need from us to enable them to deliver qualifications to the GQA standard.

What is the biggest challenge/most important thing you do in your job

The biggest challenge is keeping up to date with the introduction of new qualifications in the ever-changing environment that is construction. Further to that, as we offer very bespoke qualifications across a lot of sectors, we need to keep an eye on industry changes as well as qualification changes that may need to be made.

Tell us something you enjoy about your job

I enjoy meeting people, travelling around the country to see different practices in different centres, this allows me to share good practice whilst maintaining confidentiality.

Tell us about someone or something which has inspired you in your life

This will have to be my parents, being a twin, my parents never pushed me down the same route as my academic brother, who was doing some GCSE’s at age 13. I always knew construction was for me especially glass and glazing at the time, even though I did well at school, they never got frustrated and kept saying “As long as you’re happy”.

Tell us one thing about yourself which most people don’t know

One thing not many people know about me is that I lived in the same street as Liz Hurley in Sydney in 1998.

In my spare time I like to watch Stoke City in the winter, and I play cricket in the summer.

I am married to Joanne and we have 2 lovely children Vincent and Maria.

If there is anything else you would like to add about yourself?

Also, within my role I like to bring the best out in people by enhancing their knowledge around different assessment methods and practices.

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